Securing Your Working Laptop

7 Rules for Securing Your Working Laptop

Of all computing devices, laptops are the least protected from a variety of dangers. A laptop can be lost or stolen. But not only is a mobile computer itself not cheap, but often the information stored on its hard drive costs much more than the device itself. Therefore, the modern market does not lack solutions aimed at ensuring the safety of both the laptop itself and the data in it.

How to Work with Your Laptop Safely?

Now many say that the main attacks of hackers are not on systems and computers but on the minds of users. Unfortunately, common sense alone isn’t enough to protect your PC from malware – malicious software that disrupts your computer or collects sensitive information about your online behavior. However, common sense when surfing the Internet will not be superfluous.

Many users will probably say that there is no important data on their computer that could interest anyone. However, it should not be forgotten that since the laptop is sometimes connected to the corporate network, it stores user logins and passwords, authentication data for accessing the Internet and corporate network, various registration information, etc. Meanwhile, the loss of a laptop due to the owner’s inattention or its theft, for example, from a car, is a fairly common phenomenon.

When working at a computer, we recommend that you follow the rules for the duration of work, correct posture, the size of fonts and images, room requirements, etc. We offer some principles of proper computer work:

  • in the workspace (room) where computers are installed, wet cleaning must be performed daily;
  • the room in which the computers are located must be ventilated every hour;
  • constantly monitor the condition of the monitor screen: it must be clean, without stains and dust. In addition, be sure to keep your glasses clean – computer or regular.

Which Are Seven Rules for Securing Your Laptop?

The security of your own data is not paranoia. Sticking up a webcam, constantly turning off a working device, and setting passwords for each folder are, of course, overkill. But it is definitely worth learning for each user to correctly build access boundaries to their own laptop, set up security correctly, and prevent leakage of personal data. Take a look at the main rules for securing your working laptop:

  1. Update your operating system and other software as often as you can, preferably automatically.
  2. Download the latest security software, including antivirus software, antispyware, and a firewall.
  3. It is advisable not to save any data on the computer desktop. The desktop is the same folder located on the “C” drive.
  4. Create backup copies of important information – this is your “insurance” in case of force majeure, for example, searches, or sometimes it’s enough to spill coffee on the laptop keyboard and be left without a database.
  5. It is important to remember that all encryption is useless while the computer is in an unlocked state. Therefore, it is important to take care of automatic blocking after a reasonably short period of time.
  6. Destroy all traces of your personal information on the equipment you plan to sell.
  7. Legal user access to protected data is provided using special keys. The simplest key is a password consisting of letters, numbers, and various symbols. Using it is very simple – just enter using the keyboard.